Monday, June 23, 2014

Ground hogs, rabbits, coons and owls

The last few days have been wonderful.  Nearby are baby woodchucks, i.e. groundhogs eating fresh clover, young rabbits abound.  Late one evening I saw a coon exploring in a broken patch of woods and scrub.   Now I await my friendly owls, we have heard in the past both screech and hoot owls either in late twilight evening or early early morning.    Ah, the calmness of nature.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Honey bees

Yesterday while sitting on my deck I looked down at my feet and saw a honey bee.   I was glad he was alive and gathering pollen.  We all know and have heard about the great honey bee die off caused by mostly environmental factors, etc. spraying, illness induced  mites...whatever the source, our beloved bees are dying off.  It is and continues sad to think we are destroying the planet we live on and are in a race to do so.